Thursday, December 3, 2009


What do you think about P. Ramlee movies? I'd say their unique and awesome :) There's this art in them that you don't come by easily nowadays. It always seems to amuse me. Now if I watch, it's mostly nostalgic coz I tend to recount the times I watched those movies when I was a kid. Before, I'd watch with my cousins, grandparents, you know the whole big family when we all gather together. It was fun and those were the moments we bonded. One of my favourites would be Labu Labi :P

Why? Because it's so funny! Well, surely for entertainment purposes only and not to be followed. I laugh everytime despite hearing the jokes over and over. It was just so smartly made I'd say. There is this scene when Manisah, (the most wanted girl in the story since the two main actors were madly in love with her) asked her dad for money to buy 3 new sewing machines. It cost RM500. Upon hearing that, her father, Hj. Bakhil, fainted! Well he serves his name well in being stingy. Haha...her mother whispered that perhaps he was just faking it. Later it turned out that he did and Manisah ended up sulking and went straight to her room.

And then comes this scene between Hj. Bakhil and his wife,
'Wah...sayang, sayang...tadi kau sindir aku ya?'
'Sindir-sindir apa pulak bang? Saya tak bilang apa-apa.'
'Tadi kau bilang aku ni pura-pura pengsan uh?'
'Eh, tadi abang bukankah pengsan? Macam mana abang boleh dengar?'
'Hmmph...aku ni pengsan pesen baru laaa, kau mana tauuuu.'

Haha...okay, if you haven't watched you would have no idea what I'm talking about but if you have watched you'd have to agree that this part was funny right? Actually when I was small I didn't know what 'sindir' meant. Really! (don't laugh :P)...and I remember guessing that perhaps it meant to expose a secret or something coz the wife said she didn't say anything as if exposing a secret. Now I know what it means. Definitely not what I thought.

There's this thing about us humans that we just can't help but comment on things. Give negative remarks that is, and oftenly say them in sarcastic ways. Sometimes even to the extent of discriminating others. Is this a right thing to do? Let's learn from this particular thought I got from a book.

"Telingaku paling alergik mendengar caci-mencaci, kata-kata kotor apalagi umpatan melaknat. Tak ada yang berhak melaknat manusia kecuali Tuhan. Manusia jelas-jelas telah dimuliakan oleh Tuhan. Tanpa membezakan siapa pun dia. Semua manusia telah dimuliakan Tuhan sebagaimana tertera dalam Al-Quran, Wa laqad karamna banii Adam. (Dan telah Kami muliakan anak keturunan Adam!) Jika Tuhan telah memuliakan manusia, kenapa masih ada manusia yang mencaci dan melaknat sesama manusia? Apakah ia merasa lebih tinggi martabatnya daripada Tuhan?"

So what do you think of that? Something different ey? I never thought of it that way you know. This paragraph really caught my attention and got me thinking. Sometimes we just don't realise how small we are in front of Allah. We do things without proper thought. My brothers and sisters, don't let that tongue slip. Control it because nobody's perfect. Imperfection, includes you. As humble servants we have no rights whatsoever to anything unless our Lord, Allah permits it. So, let's use our tongues wisely :) okay?


  1. i love p.ramlee
    ni cite ape ek?
    labu-labi ek?
    eh..labu labi bukan 2 org ke..
    hum...cite ape ni ek? *~*

  2. aisey...mmg labu labi la auni. haha..yup about 2 ppl. org gaji hj. Bakhil tu la labu & labi tu.
