Sunday, December 19, 2010

Embrace difference


You know when I think back, I feel silly and yeah...I should feel that way coz I was. Why? Well I was being childish I suppose. A good way of phrasing it I'd say. Why? Coz I was offended when I shouldn't be. When I could've been more patient with things.

What was I not patient with? Difference.

'Dan taatilah Allah & RasulNya dan janganlah kamu berselisih, yang menyebabkan kamu menjadi gentar dan kekuatanmu hilang dan bersabarlah. Sungguh, Allah beserta orang-orang sabar.'

[Al-Anfal 8:46]

Reading this verse, I suddenly remembered what Umar said when Abu Bakar tried to calm him down after our beloved prophet passed away. Abu Bakar told him a verse in the Quran that brought him back to reality with an advice that even touched my own heart. The fact that if you worship Rasulullah, he is only human and would one day pass away and return to Allah and the fact that if you worship Allah He forever lives. Just because Rasulullah has died, would you go back to how you were before being blessed with light?

What did Umar feel? He felt as though he had never heard that verse before. Never memorised it. Never felt it in his heart when he very well did know that verse. It slipped away that split second due to immense grief and it took Abu Bakar...his brother to remind him and bring him back.

Astaghfirullah...that's how I feel. I feel as though I've never read that verse above [Al-Anfal 8:46]. As though I never came across it coz I forgot about it and allowed myself to get offended. I forgot about it till the pages of the Quran that slipped through my fingers brought me to this verse and brought me back.

'Wahai manusia! Sungguh, Kami telah menciptakan kamu dari seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan, kemudian Kami jadikan kamu berbangsa-bangsa dan bersuku-suku agar kamu saling mengenal. Sungguh, yang paling mulia di antara kamu di sisi Allah ialah orang yang paling bertakwa. Sungguh, Allah Maha Mengetahui, Mahateliti.'

[Al-Hujurat 49:13]

Difference...that's rahmat and we tend to forget that. We tend to not see it that way. I mean think about it, what would the world be without difference? It would be unimaginable.

When two surfaces are different, there's friction and friction generates heat right? Was that why I felt a fire burning in me? Anger in me? Astaghfirullah...that was not the way. I must embrace difference...embrace it. Lubricate those two surfaces and there will be friction no more :) What's the lubricant? Faith and love for Allah. Don't be silly and make a fool of yourself over petty things. Grow up! ^_^

Grow up and have courage to embrace difference :)

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