That's a question that has been running in my mind very often. What it means to be humble, what it takes to be humble...and I find myself feeling that the word 'humble' itself really misleads us into thinking that it is something simple to attain when in fact it is not.
It is not easy to be humble, not with a proud heart. And being humble is not just about how you portray yourself but more importantly it's about how you feel inside. How you look upon the world, upon other people and still remember who you really are despite whatever circumstance you come across.
Why do we take pride as though it is noble? The part where you feel you are better than others eats you up, turns your heart to stone. How can light penetrate stone? Your heart will then be dark and what can be more terrifying than not to be brought to His light? Not to recieve His light. Astaghfirullah...
This heart needs to be taught, needs to be cannot be proud. If it is not for the deen that has been given to us by Allah, we are worthless. What we should be proud of is the deen and not ourselves. All praise is to Allah and not ourselves.
We come from humble origins. So humble yet Allah chose us to reach heights higher than any other creature He has created...but that still doesn't change who we were, where we came from and we must remember that. I must remember that.
All we do, is from the will of Allah. Don't think that it is from our own will. It really is not. Allah chooses...pray that He still chooses you.
Here's a video I watched by brother Nouman. Do watch, salam alayk~