Friday, January 21, 2011

Comfort in a broken heart: Part 2

Salam alayk ^_^

I did say I will elaborate further on this right? Alhamdulillah now I have time to do so, so here goes.

Let's just recap the saying.

"Allah is with the broken hearted. When your heart breaks, it's a good thing - the breaking of the heart is what opens it up to the light of Allah. The dunya is designed to break your heart, to crush it."
-Shaykh Hamza Yusuf-

MasyaAllah. You know what I first thought about when I read this? It's the fact that Allah is so comforting and that the dunya just cannot have a place in our hearts. It also occured to me that there is a reason our hearts are broken, are crushed although it's not something we enjoy. You see, without a broken heart, how could you feel the sweetness of comfort? How would you even know the meaning of comfort if everything has been going your way?

That's just how it is. We appreciate warmth when we're cold, we appreciate food when we are hungry and we appreciate air when it's hard to breathe. Alhamdulillah for Allah has created opposites, has created things in pairs. Has ensured everything is in it's place and that everything has it's cure.

And when He created the dunya that He keeps mentioning in the Quran to be a place that decieves us, He made it in such a way so that we are not attached to it. Who would pick something that hurts over what heals? Right? But the problem is we have been fooled till we could not see the dunya for what it truly is. Fooled till we don't see akhirah and we feel as though it is so far from us.

My dear brothers and sisters, that broken heart that hurts so bad is actually a cure! A cure to bring you back to Allah, to make you realise and to make you see that this world is not where you're meant to be. To humble your proud heart to the One that owns it. To cure you from feelings you shouldn't have. From diseases of the heart that satans never give up on planting. To free you from all that is other than Allah. To give meaning to your life.

Rejoice in that broken heart. Savor it for indeed it is actually a gift. A gift He knows you can handle. A gift He knows you need.

1 comment:

  1. Subhanallah.

    Endless gratefulness to Allah for His countless bounties.

    I agreed with what you wrote.

    Allah, Allah, Allah. At some point, a believer will see with his heart (basirah) that everything given to him from Allah is a great reminder.

    May Allah make us from thus who are consistent in striving for His blessings.

    One thing to share about Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, I like him very much because he is a scholar who follows the correct and true adabs in gaining knowledge.

    He learned and received ijazahs from the masyaikh.

