Thursday, July 23, 2009

A hadith to ponder upon today.

Rasulullah bersabda, 'Sesungguhnya hati manusia akan berkarat sebagaimana besi yang dirosakkan oleh air.' Seorang sahabat bertanya, 'Apakah caranya menjadikan hati itu bersinar kembali?' Maka jawab Rasulullah, 'Banyakkan mengingati maut dan membaca Al-Quran'
[Riwayat Baihaqi dan Ibn Umar]

The heart... something crucial to take care of. The root of everything really. What you do, what you say, how you think etc. portrays how your heart is. I tend to be negative about myself but a catch here is I believe there is still some purity there somewhere. It might be little but it definitely is there. All is not yet lost and as stated above that purity can shine again.

Dear heart, be strong....


p/s: Someone once told me that a person has 4 eyes. 2 eyes that we use to see what lies before us (physical beings and such) and 2 eyes in our hearts for us to see beyond what is apparent. To you the one telling me this, may I be able to understand our current predicament and handle it in the best way possible.

Will our hearts understand each other? Allah will be the judge of that.


  1. huhu...



    ade ape dgn hati!?

  2. mesti org yg bgtau tu hebat kan??

  3. to anonymous,

    haha...perhaps. Allah know's best right?

    p/s: i think i know who u are. huhu

  4. to hisham,

    ada mcm2 dgn hati... huhu :P

    p/s: i know what u think i don't know. muahahahaha.

  5. beautiful
    keep telling myself to hold on lately
    thanks for posting this
    something to ponder upon

  6. to amie,

    your welcome dear. glad i could help :)
