Thursday, November 26, 2009

Hello Asthma :)

Welcome back my dear old friend :) In case you're wondering I am refering to asthma as in the sickness where it becomes difficult for me to breathe. I grew out of it but now it's back again. Why do I call it my friend?

Because anything that reminds me of death and Allah is my friend :)

Not to worry though, I'm cool with it. Having shortness of breath and all. If you're not used to it, it sure can be a scary experience but I've passed the phase where it used to scare me. I'm not scared anymore in fact I feel loved. Weird huh? Biar la. hehe :P Just got back from the hospital. Got myself a brand new inhaler. Haven't used one of those for so long so I had to have it demonstrated just now by a pharmacist. He was very pleasant. I hope to be as pleasant when I'm a doctor.

I love going to the hospital. Doesn't matter if I'm sick or not. I just like being there. One place I feel like I belong. There's this welcoming feeling and I imagine myself going here and there, up and down the stairs meeting patients and all. Ahh...just soothing. Huhu...I hope I don't become too much of a workaholic. Kesian mama, abah & kakak kalau adik jadi macam tu. Kena ingat untuk balik rumah. :P

You know, while waiting for the specialist just now there was this saying I saw on the white board. I notice that there always will be some sort of cool quote there everytime I go and visit the hospital. I guess something to inspire the doctors? Well this one goes like this,

"To get what you have never had, you must do what you have never done."

What do you think? Cool huh? It can be interpreted in many ways of course so I'll leave that to you. Just a reminder, the part about 'you must do what you have never done' thing, as long as it doesn't go against syariat Islam okay? ^_^

Now that I've shared a quote, let's look into the Quran for something. Wait a second as I flip through okay? Tunggu jap. hmm....let's see.'s one.

"Di mana pun kamu berada, kematian akan mendapatkan kamu, kendatipun kamu berada di dalam benteng yang tinggi dan kukuh. Jika mereka memperoleh kebaikan, mereka mengatakan, "Ini dari sisi Allah", dan jika mereka ditimpa suatu keburukan mereka mengatakan, "Ini dari engkau (Muhammad)," Katakanlah, "Semuanya (datang) dari sisi Allah." Maka mengapa orang-orang itu (orang-orang munafik) hampir-hampir tidak memahami perbicaraan (sedikit pun)?"
[An-Nisa 4: 78]

That's it, all comes from Allah. Be it something you like or something you don't like. Nikmat mahupun musibah. Semuanya dari sisi Allah S.W.T. Mungkin kadang-kadang kita terlupa ye dok? :P You know one thing that I find very inspiring? It's the fact that, orang yang zuhud memandang nikmat dan musibah itu sama. Oleh itu, ketika mendapat nikmat dia tidak terlalu gembira dan apabila mendapat musibah dia tidak terlalu sedih.

Apa itu zuhud? Maybe we can talk about that some other time ey? Tak boleh tulis panjang-panjang ni. Matlamat kita nak orang baca jadi tak nak menyusahkan kerana terlalu panjang pula. Till the next post then.


It's okay, I'm alright :) hee~


  1. nazi, get well soon..risaunya saya..:(

    ha'ah..pasal semalam tu..takpe2..nanti kita bercerita lagi..

    tak sabar nak tunggu pasal zuhud tu..:)

    p/s: nak pinjam ayat ini boleh?

    "orang yang zuhud memandang nikmat dan musibah itu sama. Oleh itu, ketika mendapat nikmat dia tidak terlalu gembira dan apabila mendapat musibah dia tidak terlalu sedih."

  2. to dila,
    ey, i'm okay la insyaAllah. no worries :)
    pasal zuhud tu, x igt lak sape yg ckp tu. ustazah mase kat college ke? hmm...xpela...yg penting bende tu betul and I've heard it many times. amikla...sampaikan kt lg ramai org.
