Thursday, November 26, 2009

Ketika Cinta Bertasbih

Suddenly people are talking about this story ey? I know the books have been out for ages now. I haven't gotten myself to reading it yet but I just watched the movie. The first one that is coz there are 2 books if I'm not mistaken. Oh well, what I want to write here is the poem that Ana read out in the story. I relate to what she said more than to what Husna said. Here goes...

"Sekalipun cinta telah ku uraikan dan ku jelaskan panjang lebar,
namun jika cinta kudatangi, aku jadi malu pada keteranganku sendiri.
Meskipun lidahku telah mampu menguraikan, namun tanpa lidah,
cinta ternyata lebih terang sementara pena begitu tergesa-gesa menuliskannya.
Kata-kata pecah berkeping-keping begitu sampai kepada cinta.
Dalam menguraikan cinta, akal terbaring tak berdaya.
Bagaikan keldai terbaring dalam lumpur.
Cinta sendirilah yang menerangkan cinta dan percintaan."

The first time I heard Ana say this it felt like it went straight to my soul. You know the feeling when you want to say something but you find no words for them and suddenly this person says it out for you perfectly. That's how I felt.

Islam itu sungguh indah sekiranya kita mengambil masa untuk memahami, jika kita sendiri mahu memahami. Subhanallah, Maha Suci Allah...sungguh Engkau menyentuh hatiku ini~


  1. haha. so u da tgok cite ni gak la. gud2
    layan nur kasih tak?
    dont forget last ep tomorrowwwwww! =)

  2. salam alayk~
    i just watched it 2 days ago.
    this film is very nice for me,
    bcoz it shows something precious to myself..
    bsides, thats the real dakwah film i think. :)

  3. to auni,
    huhu...yup2 layan. tp tgk online. stuck at episode 19. xtau dh nk cari the rest ktne. :( huhu..

    to syariful bahri,
    I watched it around that time too..heard of the book quite a while ago and got curious. It is very nice. I wish many more ppl are like that nowadays.

  4. nape i x dpt nk fahamkan poem tu?
    wish u can elaborate on it more
