Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I'm human...

Setiap kali hati mereka berpaling berputus asa, tiba-tiba terdengar panggilan dari tanda-tanda keindahan, 'Wahai orang yang berputus asa! Bersabarlah untuk meraih kebenaran yang belum kau kenal, tetapi sudah begitu tergesa kau gapai.'
-Imam Ghazali-

I'm sorry, I said I'd smile and that I'd stop crying but I guess this month my heart is even more fragile and so tears seem to fall ever so easily. I'm not giving up, it's just that I'm human. I won't pretend like I can withstand it all and that I can go through whatever, no sweat. No, that wouldn't be me. But hey, I do try. If I can find anything to cheer me up I will be happy. Wishing it lasts longer though. Haha...but it's okay.

I love crying for Allah coz then only are my tears worth...crying for other people just makes me pathetic but then again that weakness is just me being human. May I be given patience.

I need to be patient.

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