"Ketenangan & kebahagiaan adalah hembusan dari langit...diturunkan ke lubuk hati orang beriman...mereka tetap berhati teguh di kala orang lain dalam kegoncangan."
-Syed Qutb-
Lately, weakness seems to creep into me. An old habit in which I've triumphed over and surprisingly so comes knocking at my door again. It truly is disappointing but as I said before we need to love ourselves moderately remember? In this case, not too little till we wish to be someone else...no matter how disapponted in myself I can get.
There's no point in wanting to be another person, what we should be is a better us. What I should be is a better me.
'Mujahadah itu pahit, kerana syurga itu manis.'
Indeed that's true. I do believe that when there is something that we must do and it pains us ever so much coz we feel it to be so difficult and so hard on us...it's because the reward for it is so great. Beyond whatever greatness we can imagine.
As humans we are weak...but that does not mean we have no strength at all. Strength is none but Allah's and with His love and mercy He gives us strength. Sometimes strengths we never thought we had in us. How loving Allah is for giving us things we don't even ask for.
I can't let this old habit of mine come creeping back into me. I can't be weak and insyaAllah I won't be weak.
Teguhlah wahai jiwa...teguhlah. Teguhlah demi Allah.