Wednesday, June 24, 2009

cinta yang ikhlas kerana ALLAH dari seorang abang kepada adik, kerana inginkan adiknya itu menjejak jalan ALLAH, pasti akan subur jika sentiasa dibajai dengan kemesraan ukhuwwah dan zikrullah.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"I said yes to you"

Here I'd like to share something I watched in Jejak Rasul. I think it's very sweet :) There are two versions. Malay and English. Read whichever you please because a difference in language can give a difference in impact. At least that's what I think :) Kalau la tau bahasa Arab, mesti nangis baca ni. Peristiwa ni berlaku semasa baginda Rasulullah S.A.W mengagihkan harta rampasan perang Hunain. Harta diberi kesemuanya kepada org Islam Mekah yang baru sahaja masuk Islam dan susah pada ketika itu. Orang Ansar yang menyahut seruan Rasulullah untuk pergi berperang tidak mendapat sedikit pun harta ghanimah itu. Mula lah golongan munafiq merasa tidak puas hati. Rasulullah pun memanggil ketua-ketua mereka untuk menyelesaikan perkara tersebut.

okay here goes
[Malay Version]

"Aku kata ya kepada kamu" Kemudian baginda berkata lagi, " Ya orang Ansar, maka itulah rahmat yang terbesar. Lebih daripada kambing biri-biri dan unta. Pada aku, kalau kamu percaya bahawa aku adalah nabi, maka biarlah mereka pulang dengan kambing dan unta. Tapi kamu wahai Ansar yang ku sayang, kamu pulang... dengan aku."
Maka setelah mendengar itu, menangislah orang Ansar.

Itulah perbezaan antara pemimpin biasa dengan seorang nabi yang membawa harapan yang hakiki.

[English Version]

"I said yes to you." Then he said, "Oh Ansars, that is the biggest blessing, more than the sheeps and camels. For me, if you believe that I'm a Prophet, let them go home with the sheeps and camels but you, oh my beloved Ansars, you're going home....with me."
Hearing that, all the Ansars cried.

That's the difference between an ordinary leader and a Prophet who brings true hope.


Terasa damai hati ini mendengar kata-kata Rasulullah :) Keadilan yang diberikan Rasulullah S.A.W kepada golongan Ansar lebih bersifat maknawi yang hanya difahami orang yang jiwanya bersih dan bertakwa.

"I said yes to you"
Meaning to say I chose you.

Dear reader, if that was said to you how would you feel? :)

p/s : I love you ya Rasulullah :)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Exactly what I was looking for :D

Pesanan buat diri ini serta saudara-saudaraku. Jumpa juga hal yang menenangkan. Alhamdulillah :)

Bertenanglah Wahai Jiwa

Sungguhpun kau kehilangan manusia dan dunia di sekelilingmu, ALLAH tetap bersamamu. Dunia ini tetap sebagai suatu persinggahan semata-mata, akhirat jua destinasi sebenar. Burulah cinta ALLAH dan kasih sayang-Nya, moga ketenangan hakiki dikecapi.


Diambil dari

Tak pe ye akh? Dapat kongsi dengan sahabat-sahabat lain ^_^


They say you must speak out and not be afraid but for once I'm telling myself that what I need to do is listen. Not just to hear words coming from you simply because I detect vibrations later taken through my auditory nerve as sound to interpret (what a long sentence :P), but to listen to what you say intently.

To listen… with my heart.

What's the difference between hearing and listening you ask?

To hear is to perceive sound with your ears. It's involuntary. You can’t stop yourself from hearing your next door neighbor renovate their house for instance.
To listen is to make an effort to hear something. You may either wish to do so or not.

He made his ego a muslim. Yes, that is our prophet peace be upon him. Although I’m merely an ordinary servant I must do so too as much as I can and here I admit that I haven’t been listening hard enough to the things people say to me. For that I really am sorry.

When you listen, you find answers. Some are to those troublesome questions you face in life. The answers might just be right in front of your faces.

And your heart says to you… ‘If only you’d listen.’

Listen with your heart, understand with your heart. My naqibah told me that. Did I not listen to her?

When I was in a sticky situation, a sahabat said to me. ‘ade abg tuh kata, peredaran malam ke siang tuh, ikot phase2 dia masing2..kadang2 kita cam tak sedar yg siang dah berubah jadi malam, rasa cam sekejap sgt..nmpk cam xde perubahan, tapi sbanrnye changes itu ada…’ Did I not listen to him?

When you’re at a loss, you do not know or you are unsure, listen to your heart, provided that heart is pure.
A woman’s heart is difficult to care for and understand but you must also understand the heart of a man.
No, you are not difficult. Not to someone who understands you.
You might be a child to them but you’re not to me.
I see you.
Someone important told me all that. Did I not listen then?

Oh well I hope it’s not too late :) Try listening for once. I know now that I’ve been missing a lot. Gotta think back the things people say to me. Can’t afford to let them just pass by without me actually listening.

To you dear reader, would you listen to me?

p/s: To 'you' if you’re reading, I’m sorry. I‘ve realized a grave mistake that I made. From now on, I’ll make it a point to listen. Will you talk to me again as before? I’m being very vague. I doubt you even know who you are but no matter. What’s in our hearts should be the same (you said this) and for that to happen, I’ll leave it to Allah to take care of it :)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Begin with the end in mind

Here's an email I recieved from an old friend. Do read~

Rasulullah S.A.W menganjurkan kita untuk sentiasa mengingati mati. Baginda bersabda,
'wakafa bi almauti wa'idha'
[Cukuplah mati itu menjadi pelajaran bagimu]

Semoga bermanfaat bagi kita semua. Amin...

Suara yang didengar dari langit~

Yang mengikuti mayat adalah 3 hal iaitu:
1. Keluarganya
2. Hartanya
3. Amalnya

Ada 2 yang akan kembali dan 1 yang tinggal bersamanya iaitu:
1. Keluarga & hartanya akan kembali
2. Sementara amalnya akan tinggal bersamanya

Maka ketika Roh Meninggalkan Jasad...
Terdengarlah Suara Dari Langit Memekik,

Wahai Fulan Anak Si Fulan...
  • Apakah kau yang telah meninggalkan dunia, atau dunia yang meninggalkanmu
  • Apakah kau yang telah menumpuk harta kekayaan, atau kekayaan yang telah menumpukmu
  • Apakah kau yang telah menumpuk dunia, atau dunia yang telah menumpukmu
Ketika Mayat Tergeletak Akan Dimandikan....
Terdengar Dari Langit Suara Memekik,

Wahai Fulan Anak Si Fulan...
  • Mana badanmu yang dahulunya kuat, mengapa kini terkulai lemah
  • Mana lisanmu yang dahulunya fasih, mengapa kini bungkam tak bersuara
  • Mana telingamu yang dahulunya mendengar, mengapa kini tuli dari seribu bahasa
  • Mana sahabat-sahabatmu yang dahulunya setia, mengapa kini ghaib tak bersuara

Ketika Mayat Siap Dikafan
Suara Dari Langit Terdengar Memekik,

Wahai Fulan Anak Si Fulan...
  • Berbahagialah apabila kau bersahabat dengan redha
  • Celakalah apabila kau bersahabat dengan murka Allah
Wahai Fulan Anak Si Fulan
  • Kini kau tengah berada dalam sebuah perjalanan nun jauh tanpa bekal
  • Kau telah keluar dari rumahmu dan tidak akan kembali selamanya
  • Kini kau tengah safar pada sebuah tujuan yang penuh pertanyaan
Ketika Mayat Diusung...
Terdengar Dari Langit Suara Memekik,

Wahai Fulan Anak Si Fulan..
  • Berbahagialah apabila amalmu adalah Kebajikan
  • Berbahagialah apabila matimu diawali Tobat
  • Berbahagialah apabila hidupmu Penuh Dengan Taat
Ketika Mayat Siap Disolatkan ....
Terdengar Dari Langit Suara Memekik,

Wahai Fulan Anak Si Fulan...
  • Setiap Pekerjaan Yang Kau Lakukan Kelak Kau Lihat Hasilnya Di Akhirat
  • Apabila Baik Maka Kau Akan Melihatnya Baik
  • Apabila Buruk, Kau Akan Melihatnya Buruk
Ketika MayatDibaringkan Di Liang Lahad....
Terdengar Suara Memekik Dari Langit,

Wahai Fulan Anak Si Fulan...
  • Apa Yang Telah Kau Siapkan Dari Rumahmu Yang Luas Di Dunia Untuk Kehidupan Yang Penuh Gelap Gulita Di Sini
  • Dahulu Kau Tertawa, Kini Dalam Perutku Kau Menangis
  • Dahulu Kau Bergembira,Kini Dalam Perutku Kau Berduka
  • Dahulu Kau Bertutur Kata, Kini Dalam Perutku Kau Bungkam Seribu Bahasa
Ketika SemuaManusia Meninggalkannya Sendirian...
Allah Berkata Kepadanya,

Wahai Hamba-Ku....
  • Kini Kau Tinggal Seorang Diri
  • Tiada Teman Dan Tiada Kerabat
  • Di Sebuah Tempat Kecil, Sempit Dan Gelap
  • Mereka Pergi Meninggalkanmu...Seorang Diri
  • Padahal, Karena Mereka Kau Pernah LanggarPerintahku
  • Hari Ini...
  • Akan Kutunjukan Kepadamu
  • Kasih Sayang-Ku
  • Yang Akan Takjub Seisi Alam
  • Aku Akan Menyayangimu
  • Lebih Dari Kasih Sayang Seorang Ibu Pada Anaknya
Kepada Jiwa-Jiwa Yang Tenang Allah Berfirman,

Wahai Jiwa Yang Tenang
  • Kembalilah Kepada Tuhanmu
  • Dengan Hati Yang Puas Lagi Diridhai-Nya
  • Maka Masuklah Ke Dalam Jamaah Hamba-Hamba- Ku
  • Dan Masuklah Ke Dalam Jannah-Ku

Something to ponder upon my dear brothers and sisters. Alhamdulillah, you are blessed to be chosen to read this email. Our daily activities have always taken away our concentration making us forget one important thing that will surely happen to all of us one day. Something of which we are ignorant as to when it will happen and that 'something' is death~

Sesungguhnya kematian itu PASTI

Why worry about things that are uncertain when there are things that are certain for us to worry about? Nothing wrong about it, it's just that we should try to put what's most important first.

But no matter, keep reminding each other and keep reminding yourself. Dear reader, when you do something,

Begin with the end in mind

and the ultimate end in this lifetime on earth... is DEATH.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

No Boundaries

Seconds, hours, so many days
You know what you want but how long can you wait?
Every moment lasts forever
If you feel you’ve lost your way

What if your chances are already gone?
Started believing that I could be wrong
But you give me one good reason
to fight and never walk away

So here I am - still holding on

With every step, you climb another mountain
Every breath, it's harder to believe
You’ll make it through the pain;
Weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing

Just when you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you almost gave up on your dreams
Then, take it by the hand and show you that you can

There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries

I fought to the limit, stand on the edge
What if today is as good as it gets?
Don't know where the future's heading
But nothing's gonna bring me down

I've jumped every bridge and I've heard every lie
I risked being safe but I always knew why -
I always knew why

So here I am - still holding on

With every step, you climb another mountain
Every breath, it's harder to believe
You’ll make it through the pain;
Weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing

Just when you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you almost gave up on your dreams
Then, take it by the hand and show you that you can

You can go higher;
You can go deeper
There are no boundaries above and beneath you
Break every rule `cause there's nothing between you and your dreams

With every step, you climb another mountain
Every breath, it's harder to believe


There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries

With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath, it's harder to believe
You'll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes

There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries

I like Kris Allen's version of this song. Somehow it connects~

Monday, June 8, 2009

Things I'll never say

I don't know about you but I dearly love letters. Letters that I write and especially letters written for me. I don't think many people share that interest since now there are many other means and ways of conveying messages. I think it's a pity though. Letters have their own meaning.

Reading back what people gave me always brings a smile on my face. Even if the writings are horrid. haha...but you see it brings back memories :)

Among those letters, one pile that I have with me are letters that I wrote but were never sent. I keep them you know. Odd isn't it? But yeah, I do have this pile of them. I'd say their the things I'll never say. To the supposed to be recipients I'm sure you're curious as to what I wrote but well, you'll never get your hands on them :P unless I suddenly decide to give them to you of course which is rather unlikely :P huhu

Because I'm so fond of it, birthday cards I give away are always special. Ask my friends who've been recieving (especially arine :P). I'd write a whole lot in there in hopes of giving a smile to the reader. That's how I am. I guess personally I connect :) and I hope people are able to feel that. To me honest words (written by the hand) mean so much more than presents.

Then again, that's just me. Don't know bout you :)

So what am I gonna do with those unsent letters? Send them? It'll be too outdated by now so I suppose they'll still be in my keeping for now. All the things I'll never say~ ^_^

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Kuatkah aku?

Kuatkah aku?

Melihat derita kakakku
yang tidak mengerti
yang hanya tersenyum
memendam rasa di hati

Kuatkah aku?

Melihat wajah ibu
yang penat dan lesu
yang berlinang airmata
berusaha menyembunyikannya

Kuatkah aku?

Melihat risaunya ayah
yang terus mencari
yang tetap berikhtiar
menemukan penawar

Kuatkah aku?

Melihat perginya di kau
yang amat ku sayangi
yang perlu ku jauhi
biar terasa sukar sekali

Kuatkah aku?

Menghadapi diri ini
yang penuh keinginan
yang kerap lupa
yang perlukan bimbingan

Aku perlu kuat,
dan kekuatan itu ku pohon
dari-Mu Ya Allah,
kerana aku tahu,
diriku lemah,
dan Engkaulah,
sebaik-baik tempat untuk ku bergantung.

Aku perlu kuat...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

And I'm found.

Am I fooling around here? What's with this lost and found? haha... well figuratively speaking it brings deep meanings and I'll leave you to think about it however you want.

This is my 50th post :) how shall I spend it? By being random.

Do you see a blessing in being lost? Most people fret right? (I do too) But by being lost only then there is a chance to be found and what a great feeling it is when you find something. You wouldn't feel it otherwise. Just like darkness. It's out of the darkness that we learn to see. Ever been in the forest at night in complete darkness? I have and it's so surprising how being in that condition you see things you've never seen before (not refering to supernatural beings :P btw).

Here's a comment on my Angels and Demons post. I figured we should all learn from it.

"Agama itu bukan sekadar untuk dibicarakan tapi untuk difahami dan diamalkan, tidak semestinya yang berbicara itu memahami dan tidak semestinya yang memahami itu mengamalkan. Cerminlah hati dan peribadi, muhasabahlah diri. Semuanya terpulang kepada diri."

True indeed but having said that, we must always try to improve ourselves and to do that we must first not be afraid to speak. And if those who speak are at fault, for those who do understand it is your duty to correct those who are or may be a little off track. Some of us are forgetful. Some are arrogant. Some of us are blinded by fake happiness until we couldn't see even the most obvious things. Thank you for offering your piece of mind whoever you are. (I think I know) May Allah bless you.

"Semuanya terpulang kepada diri."

Yes, I'll remember that.