Thursday, August 5, 2010

A piece of advice for us all insyaAllah :)

Assalamualaikum w.b.t my dear brothers & sisters :), I finally get to write after so long. Alhamdulillah...for I'm still alive this very moment to write this post and given the opportunity by Allah to relay the message of Islam.

From Abu Ruqaiyah, Tamim bin Aus al-Dhari r.a, the Prophet p.b.u.h said that,
"Ad-deenu nasihah" (The deen [Islam] is an advice)
-Riwayat Muslim-

The hadith above is the 7th hadith of the 40 hadiths of Imam Nawawi.

Reading that hadith, it dawned to me on how true it is. The truth that Islam itself is advice. Guidance given to us on this journey of life. I have people telling me their problems and when they do, to them it seems like there is no way out of it. It's like giving up. I too feel that way sometimes but I try not to stop there. Put more thought in it and search for the 'hikmah' beyond what has happened. Search for it. Don't just stop there.

Honestly, if you tell me anything that's bothering you and you ask my opinion on what to do, I can only think of one answer. Not because that's the last resort. Not because I'm out of ideas. Not because I'm lazy to think and I have nothing good to say...but because that one answer is the truth. Because that one answer IS the solution which is, turn to Allah. Turn to Islam. That's the only thing that can calm our hearts regardless of whatever that has happened to us. And that's where we get the best advice.

I always thought that the answer is clear but I know now that to some people it's not. It's okay, I'm telling you then :) The fact that your heart feels uneasy and it's as if life just passes by you without you feeling content deep down in your heart even after accomplishing so much in the eyes of people. Why is that? It's because that heart is far from remembering Allah. Far from being in love with Allah. Far from fulfilling ones true destiny and trapped in darkness. Ones heart which is blinded by satan.

Astaghfirullah halazim...

How scary it is to have a blind heart rather than unable to see with your eyes. Open your heart. Ask Allah to open your heart. Use it to brothers and sisters. Use your heart to see! Coz the truth has always been there...right in front of your faces. Truth already know what to do. You already know where to go to for help and that is to Allah.

I learnt today that when a calamity hits, patience that Allah wants is at that point. That's the point that Allah does not want you to lose control. It's not when it's all over, you've lost control and probably did something reckless (naudzhubillah) and suddenly you say, "Owh.. I should be patient." MasyaAllah it's difficult isn't it? Yes it is! I'm not saying it isn't coz it is! But as I've mentioned before, that's why the reward is so great. SO GREAT because it is SO HARD to do. Supressing the nafs for the sake of Allah S.W.T...that is mujahadah.

InsyaAllah, may Allah give us the strength to hold Him tightly in our hearts. The strength to supress our nafs for His sake...It's not for anybody else my brothers and sisters it's for Allah.
Allah..the true love to us all~


  1. Salam 'Alaik.

    Ramadhan Kareem.

    Great article. But I have to say that most people want to turn to ALLAH, but they don't know how to do it. They kept asking themselves : Do I pray harder? or Make a doa? or do I change my lifsetyle? and then they're fed up of thinking and ended up doing nothing. That's the problem. Luckily your friends maybe have you to tell them what to do, but there are still others out there drowning their sorrows in a wrong way. *sigh*

    Let us pray that in this holy month of Ramadhan ALLAH will open the heart of people who are far from him, Insya-ALLAH.

  2. Salam alayk,

    Thank u for ur comment :) true indeed, there are people who wish to turn to Allah and not know how. I feel that sometimes as well don't u? I mean, when suddenly perhaps your heart doesn't seem to feel any sweetness in ibadah. U wouldn't know what to do! should u stop? should u give up? An ustaz told me once that feeling that way is also a test. A test for us to be patient with ourselves. To be patient in performing the ibadah solely for Allah. Truth is, if anyone asks us how..well personally I wouldn't have a definite answer but I feel the start of it all is always doa. Don't u think? That moment when you directly ask Allah for help verbally. Ask Him to lead the way, to lead your heart where it must go and insyaAllah you'll know what to do. It's like giving space to try and listen to your heart for once. Giving your heart a chance to speak. You know, I always feel that whatever calamity that hits us, Allah is always giving us chances to be humble to Him. Chances to ask for His help. Without calamities and hardships we wouldn't know how to ask for help. How loving He is to help us worship Him and tame our proud hearts.

    When I wrote this post, in my mind were those who just don't see that what they need to do is turn to Allah. They'd ask questions like, why am I still not happy when I have everything a person would ever want? Why do I feel like something's missing? Why am I never calm and content? What is this that just keeps frustrating my mind that I'm always in a bad mood?

    InsyaAllah, may Allah open all our hearts to see His light ^_^
    Ramadhan mubarak!
