Monday, March 7, 2011

Three loaves of bread.

Salam alayk ^_^

Something light tonight before I study. Have you heard of this story? Starting off with 3 loaves of bread. A simple story exposing a simple truth that only the heart that is willing to see and listen would understand deeply. May that heart be yours and mine insyaAllah :) Let's watch!

Astaghfirullah...may He protect us all from being decieved by this dunya. An ustaz once shared something about the companions' iman. They see the dunya and treat it as if it is a illusion..therefore they have no interest in it. One of the examples being that they have no love for wealth and give it away so easily, and we know how they live with only the very basic of things. Well, in return for that as they hunger akhirah and long for it so much, to them, Allah made akhirah seem so real. MasyaAllah! :)

Incredible don't you think? To really know what's important up to the point that Allah let's you take a glimpse of that eternal life. Subhanallah...reflect on how we are!