Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Being true and rare..thats two things you dont need to change ^_^

Arine told me that about a year ago. You know, I think she's about the only person who feels that way. Asking me not to change the fact that I'm true & rare. Aren't those the two things that people just don't get about me arine? haha...

This reminds me of a saying from someone,
"It's not about living forever, it's about living with yourself forever."

Okay, of course it's a movie line but who says we can't be triggered to think from it? Anyways, what caught me was that bit I highlighted. 'Living with yourself'. It doesn't mean live by yourself. that's not it. What it means is to be able to accept who you are and live with it. You yourself accepting who you are. You being patient with yourself. Being patient the fact that you have weaknesses or you don't possess certain strengths like others. You trying hard to correct flaws and even if you fail to, you try harder to not hate yourself for it. Being able to love yourself moderately. Not too much till you go way over your head and not too little till you wish to be someone else. Think it's easy to live with yourself? Sometimes I find it difficult. Ironically, you are one person you can never run away from. huhu.

Allah is Great :) Life is just so interesting!

1 comment:

  1. thanks 4 the post~
    i'm trying here
    to love myself moderately~

