Friday, September 24, 2010

Dublin :)

Salam alayk everyone.

Alhamdulillah, I've arrived safely in Dublin and I'm currently amongst such wonderful sisters :) Everywhere we go, there are sisters to offer us food! don't worry mama & abah cay? :) Rather than feeling like I'm someplace new, it feels like I've just returned to those who I've known forever and insyaAllah that will come true.

Forgive the late update. Haven't really settled down properly here. Staying at my senior's house for now. Waiting for my own which will take a while but no worries, everything has its own reasons and well what we can do is to make the best of it! :D

Went to the park the other day... loved it ^_^ It's nice to walk in slightly chilly weather. You're not tired and you get to breathe fresh air. Here that is. huhu...Walking on the streets reminded me of London. Those times my family and I would walk to every place we wanted to go coz we didn't have a car. It was nice but well, this time being in europe without my family I do feel the difference. (okay2..I miss my family..hee ^_^)

Class started already :) and yes it's very exciting alhamdulillah. I'm still trying to get the hang of walking to RCSI and also walking around in the building itself. Got lost a couple of times in the building but I'm happy to report that I found my way back home on my own! hehe...

So, till I write some more insyaAllah. ^_^


  1. Salam Nadira. Glad the 'initial shock' wasn't so errrm 'shocking'. Keep up the reports for nosey people like to read about.

    All the best...

  2. Salam.

    An new entry at last :P. I've been stopping by just to see if you've updated ur blog regarding ur new life at Dublin. Good to read that ur adapting well.

    Although we're the same age, I'm in 3rd year of medicine right now, so your technically a "junior", so, blaja rajen2 ye. :P

    Good Luck!

  3. Salam mr. Allan :)

    Oh no! I didn't realise people were reading! naa..just kidding :P hehe.. once you open a blog you do have a responsibilty to keep it updated. shame on me :(
    Alhamdulillah things are fine here. Can't wait to move in to my house tomorrow. :)

  4. Salam mursyid,

    Don't be so sure about same age. I might be younger you know. Haha. InsyaAllah sama2 perlu berusaha semampu boleh!
