Thursday, September 30, 2010

Of colds, sore throats & lemsip :P

Salam alayk :)

Okay so what's all that about? Well as you might've guessed, I'm currently down with a cold & a sore throat. I can still talk though. Alhamdulillah, for sickness is one of the ways Allah shows He cares :) Shouldn't I be thankful? hee...

Woke up at around 4.30 am this morning coz I slept too early last night and now drinking warm lemsip. I've gotta tell you it really soothes the throat. Wish they'd sell lemsip in Malaysia. I mean people can catch a cold in Malaysia too you know despite warm or should I say hot weather. Oh well, aside from the cold insyaAllah I'm well :)

Class starts earlier today. Finally I'm really into this course I've waited so long for. So far it's been great alhamdulillah. Talked to a bunch of people from all over the world already but still far from knowing everyone in my batch though. Don't worry, on my way to that! ^_^ 2 days ago there was a ceremony for us freshers called the 'white coat ceremony'.. sounds cool? haha... It was done to mark the beginning of the medical course. Like stepping into the field on the way to be good doctors by putting our white coats together. What I liked about the whole thing was the speeches given. I'd say they were speeches you would want to listen to rather than sleep to. Very inspiring you know and I liked the ones given by 3 final students best.

From the way they talked to the content of their speech, insyaAllah I think they'd become good doctors and you should know that being a good doctor does not only depend on how well you do your job but also your attitude. Like one of them said, whenever you ask the ones best in this field about what separates a good doctor from a bad one they'd often say 'empathy'. Yup, I think so too but I'd add another thing though which is iman & takwa :) When I was in the hall I remembered our muslim scholars of the past and felt a bit teary eyed to tell you the truth. Why? Coz they were great in their jobs and masyaAllah that made them even closer to Allah rather than being closer to the world.

I'm about to embark on this journey that they've long gone through and you know how important it is to have the right beginning in your heart (Bidayah Sohihah). To know what you're aiming for right at the start coz even like those final students, when they get caught up in a tight situation, they'd think to themselves and try to remember why did I want to become a doctor? InsyaAllah, when I ask that to myself in the future, I'd want to be able to answer each and everytime that 'All this is because of Allah.'


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