Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Giving salam first ^_^

Salam alayk brothers & sisters,

Just a thought this morning before I go off to anatomy class. Last night there was a charity event in RCSI called halalicious. Catchy name don't you think? Halal + delicious = Awesome! haha...alhamdulillah.

Well, there were quite a number of people present and surely I knew some of them but there was a fair share of people that I've never spoken to. I thought to myself, what should I do? I don't know about you but I think somehow back home, our culture around us doesn't really promote the fact that we should give salam to other than the people we know. I mean if a stranger passes by you treat the person like a stranger. No way would you suddenly say hello or anything.

But then I thought, what would Rasulullah do? Our beloved...would he have just walked pass without a word? Without a glance? No...peace be upon him, he won't do that. He would look at you and smile. A smile that would calm any heart and he'd be the first to say, 'Assalamualaikum.'

MasyaAllah...to not know that person yet and start off by wishing him such a prayer. Not only that, he would want to get to know you. Want to speak to you and find out who you are so that next time if you pass by, you won't be a stranger anymore. Subhanallah, such character :)

So, I pushed myself to give a go. Went to as many people that I don't know, to get to know them :) and you know, it wasn't so bad after all. Alhamdulillah.
It's a nice feeling, trying to copy Rasulullah even in little ways. hehe... Doing so for Allah. Why don't you give it a go too?

Let's start giving salam first ^_^


  1. Assalamualaikum :)
    hehe, just nak share..
    tak sure dengar dari mana, hadith myb,
    tanda akhir zaman ialah apabila muslim hanya memberi salam kepada org yg dia kenal sahaja..

  2. salam alayk,

    yup2..i've heard of that too. same gak x sure source dier. adeyh..huu...
