Monday, February 21, 2011

It begins with you.

Salam alayk brothers and sisters ^_^

Alhamdulillah, all praise to Allah. I just got back from a program in Meath and I'd like to share a video that my sisters shared with me :) It's very simple and straight forward. So true that it went straight to my heart.

:) That was something wasn't it? Subhanallah. Even without understanding the language, the message is universal and clear. In this video what they're singing is basically 'You go and all of india will go with you.' Simply said, it's important for you to take the first step coz with that, the rest will follow insyaAlllah. That's all it takes.

The first step is the hardest. Look at that boy. Logically he would never have been able to move that tree away from the road but he did try to anyway right? And it wasn't like he was fooling around knowing he can't do it, he tried his hardest! He pushed with all his might! And his action sparked other people to the same. Doing something although it seems impossible. We could really apply that in our life don't you think? :)

Fretting about things happening around us, putting the blame on others and in the end just complaining without a single act being done towards solving the problem. Where does that bring you? No where.

On the road to jannah, ask for strength from Allah. Spreading His word is the duty of every muslim. Don't wait for others, you start. It begins with you!

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