Monday, February 21, 2011

To witness... to spread the word, the feeling, the understanding, the whole deal until another feels the same way as though he or she has witnessed the same thing.

That's what witnessing means, it's not merely seeing something with your two eyes and be done with it. No...When you are a witness, you have a responsibility to transmit truth. You have a duty to fulfil. A duty our prophet Rasulullah s.a.w has been doing all his life. So did his companions, and those who came after them. A duty to do da'wa. To do da'wa for the sake of Allah.

What is this truth that we must spread? What is the ultimate truth?

The truth that Allah is the One and Only God...
The truth of His deen. The understanding of our purpose, our journey & our destination.

InsyaAllah I'll write more on this soon. Here's a nasyid by Dawud Wharnsby. Do take it as food for thought and also for your heart. ^_^ Salam alayk~

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