Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Kata Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal...

...'Perjuangan seorang mukmin sejati tidak akan berhenti kecuali ketika kedua telapak kakinya telah menginjak pintu syurga."

I read this two days ago in a book I just bought. I wonder how many of us have such thinking. We tend to view our goals in a very small scope. That's what I think. I mean, for example when we have to take our exams that would be our ultimate goal and once it's over we feel so at ease as if all the burden in this world is gone. There's nothing wrong in feeling relief after working so hard but the thing is we should quickly realise that it doesn't stop there. There is still so much to do and a long way ahead to go.

Sebenarnya diri ini terasa sangat jahil. Banyak sangat yang belum diketahui, belum didalami sedangkan hidup ni sudah 18 tahun berlalu. Masih muda? Mungkin, tapi umur itu apakah sudah benar-benar digunakan sebaiknya? hmm...

You know lately living life feels interesting. It's not that my life hasn't been interesting it's just that I'm beginning to see many things now. Learn things that I never knew before. Feel things that I've never felt. Very exciting I tell you. :D A quest through life. A quest in the name of Allah to find Him.

If you're not in that journey already, what are you waiting for? :P

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