Thursday, March 18, 2010

Allah sedang berbicara denganmu...

...tidakkah engkau mahu mendengar bicaraNya itu? ^_^

Salam alayk my brothers and sisters,

Do you believe in that? Believe that Allah is telling you something. Believe that Allah is giving you hints and teaching you.

Well I do :) and I do now more than ever.

Sometimes, we just look at things the way they are without spending time to actually think about them in greater depth. I remember once when I was angry and you know what came to mind in the midst of that anger? I thought to myself, is Allah angry with me? Astaghfirullah halazim. I stopped myself from saying anything and instead I chose silence for I feel that my tongue will not be wise if it speaks. For I feel that my mind was clouded and my heart was not in place.

When we are angry, we don't think much. It just consumes us. That moment it's as if we're of a higher level than the person we're mad at when in actual fact we're not. It seems as though in our minds, we have the right to not forgive. I don't think this is true which is why now, I end up crying if I get so mad. Why? Because I don't want to be mad but being human for that split second I got upset. Remember the 16th hadith from the 40 hadiths of Imam Nawawi?

"La taghdob." (Don't be angry)

Back to what I said just now, I thought to myself is Allah angry with me? Naudzubillah... I wouldn't want that. No one would and I would pray that He'd forgive me. I'd remember that no matter how many wrong doings I'd do, no matter how many times I'd do it, He will always...always forgive me provided I repent. He will always forgive when I ask for forgiveness and He'd love me even more.

How different our Creator is from us His mere servants. We are so impatient and tend to act rashly but

Thinking about it that way makes me feel ashamed for being mad in the first place. It makes me realise how terrible it is to anger someone and worse anger Allah. Alhamdulillah, rahmat dan kasih sayang Allah itu lebih luas dari kemarahanNya.

Allah sedang berbicara denganku..."Jangan marah, Nadira."

Tidakkah aku mahu mendengar? :)

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