Monday, March 8, 2010

Who should I follow?

I'm sure there are times you'd wish you knew exactly what to do to go through life. We tend to look for someone to follow right? Someone whom we see to have succeeded so that hopefully by following that person we would succeed too. Now the question is, who is the one worthy of following?

"Sungguh, telah ada pada (diri) Rasulullah itu, suri teladan yang baik bagimu (iaitu) bagi orang yang mengharap (rahmat) Allah dan (kedatangan) hari kiamat dan yang banyak mengingat Allah."
[Al-Ahzab 33:21]

There you go. An answer from Allah :) He says that Rasulullah S.A.W our beloved prophet is the best example for us to follow. Since this is Allah who's recommending, do you feel it is wise to think that anyone else is a better example? ^_^

You see, why is it that all the great people we know in Islam are great? Are they superhumans of some sort? No. They are great alhamdulillah, because they strive hard to live their life following Rasulullah. They take it seriously when they say Lailahaillallah, muhammadurrasulullah. Serious in the sense that they acknowledge our prophet by following him in every way possible. When you think it over, they are human too. Just like me and you. Betapa adilnya Allah. Contoh yang diberikan tidak mustahil untuk diikuti. So, what's stopping us from being great? What's stopping us from following Rasulullah? We all do have the chance.

It's a matter of you believing in that or not. I'm not saying that we can't inspire to be like other people. Surely those we feel closer to us in which we can relate to would seem more realistic to follow. I'm only pointing out who's best :)

So my brothers and sisters, don't you want to follow 'the chosen one'? ^_^

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