Monday, May 25, 2009

Angels and Demons

Hold it! Correct your mindset. You are not writing to impress anyone so write whatever you want without hesitation or pressure. huhu :P

Note to self that is. haha...Now that we've got that settled, let's begin.

Have you watched that movie? I watched it last week on one of my 'walking alone' routine. huhu... I can't help but notice one thing that I'd like to point out. If you've watched, let's see if you noticed and if you haven't well, watch attentively to find it then :P

"Religion is not perfect, but only because man is not perfect."

What do you say to that? Do you agree?
Now, now my brothers and sisters don't you dare say yes because that is ABSOLUTELY WRONG. The first half that is.

Men indeed are not perfect but religion on the other hand is. You know what implication it gives to have said that line in the movie? A religion is not perfect because man is not perfect only when that religion is created by man. And so an imperfect religion has to be one that is created by man. Think about it. Isn’t that right? Isn’t that the implication?

No offence to anybody at all for I am simply weighing out the possibilities here. You are free to have your own thoughts but to my brothers and sisters you are the ones who have to look into this carefully.

Islam is from Allah the divine Creator of everything. Always has been, always is and always will be and so it is perfect in every way. This perfection has stayed on right from the beginning of its creation right up until now as it is taken care of by the One and only. It is taken care of by Him himself.

“Manusia itu (dahulunya) satu umat. Lalu Allah mengutus para nabi (untuk) menyampaikan khabar gembira dan peringatan. Dan diturunkanNya bersama mereka kitab yang mengandung kebenaran, untuk memberi keputusan di antara manusia tentang perkara yang mereka perselisihkan. Dan yang berselisih hanyalah orang yan telah diberi (kitab), setelah bukti-bukti yang nyata sampai kepada mereka, kerana kedengkian di antara mereka sendiri. Maka dengan kehendakNya, Allah memberi petunjuk kepada mereka yang beriman tentang kebenaran yang mereka perselisihkan. Allah memberi petunjuk kepada siapa yang dia kehendaki ke jalan yang lurus.”

[Al-Baqarah 2:213]

Finally, it all comes down to one,
The truth at the end of the road,
The path you choose to walk on,
The proof in front of your eyes,
Or right under your noses,
It has always been there for you to see.

Open your eyes,
Open your heart,
To the truth so long suppressed,
To the truth you might not have understood,
Reach for it,
Don’t let it pass.

For you are not perfect,
And I am not too,
So hold on to what is,
Hold on to that perfection,
Hold on to the One,
Hold on to Allah.

Islam is perfect, don’t you dare say it’s not :)

p/s: It’s been so long since I wrote a poem. Arine if you’re reading, do you think I’ve lost my touch? Haha :P


  1. Agama itu bukan sekadar untuk dibicarakan tapi untuk difahami dan diamalkan, tidak semestinya yang berbicara itu memahami dan tidak semestinya yang memahami itu mengamalkan. cerminlah hati dan peribadi, muhasabahlah diri. semuanya terpulang kepada diri.

  2. true but having said that, we must always try to improve ourselves and to do that we must first not be afraid to speak. for those who do understand it is ur duty to correct those who are not or may be a little off track. some of us are forgetful. some of us are blinded by fake happiness until we couldn't see even the most obvious things. thank u for ur advice whoever u are. May Allah bless you.
