Sunday, May 24, 2009

Take care of your heart

How many of you remember to do that? I think the person we take for granted most is ourselves. At least that's how it is with me. I rummagged some of my things this morning and found a scribbled note on how to take care of ourselves from 3 things.

Takbur, riak atau sombong. (Ujub too I'd say. A very scary thing to have in your heart)

Let's see the conditions and how we should handle it.

1. Kalau berjumpa kanak-kanak kita rasa diri kita lebih bijak tapi ingatlah bahawa dosanya lebih sedikit.

2. Kalau berjumpa orang tua kita rasa kita lebih tahu dan betul tapi anggaplah mereka lebih mulia kerana telah lebih lama beribadat kepada Allah.

3. Kalau berjumpa orang lebih alim dan kita bercanggah pendapat, anggaplah dia mempunyai ilmu yang lebih banyak daripada kita.

4. Kalau berjumpa orang yang jahil anggaplah bahawa dosa kita lebih besar kerana kita BERILMU TETAPI TETAP BERBUAT DOSA. Orang yang jahil berbuat dosa dalam keadaan tidak tahu.

5. Kalau berjumpa orang kafir kita rasa yang diri kita lebih mulia tapi anggaplah mungkin satu hari nanti dia akan masuk Islam.

I guess this has to do with the part of us humans being judgemental towards others. The five things above, can we think that way when we face them? Rather difficult isn't it because it's hard to control the first thing that comes to mind. Macam benda yang terus-terus terlintas tu macam mana nak halang kan? But even so, do try.

My naqibah once said, "Pandanglah orang lain dengan pandangan kasih sayang, bukan dengan pandangan benci." What does that mean? Well if we were to look at people that way, then there is no room left for us to feel superior than others. We wouldn't feel great or proud of ourselves thus taking care of our hearts.

Because you see in the end, kita ni semua hanyalah hamba-hamba Allah yang lemah. Sifat-sifat seperti takbur, riak, sombong dan ujub itu tidak layak bagi kita manusia. We are definitely not worthy of those feelings and yet we feel that way still. All we can do is fight it and change. Remember my post on perfection? There is no knowing to the limits of our capabilities.

Dear brothers and sisters and also dear me, please take care of our hearts.

salam :)

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