Monday, May 25, 2009

Thoughts in the morning

You know I always wonder how people can write great things. Writings that reach out to your heart and really give impact. I wish I could do such writings but in the end everything seems wrong. haha...

Probably it's because I try too hard until I forget how to actually write. I believe, what connects with people is actually honesty. Don't you think so? When someone spills out something coming straight from their hearts without really thinking of how to make it sound interesting or cool or anything like that. Just pure honesty. Have I forgotten that? It would be a pity if I have. Another thing is when people are being their real selves. Each person has their uniqueness and it's always very amusing for me to see how different people can be and how special each person is. Get's you thinking of the greatness of creation. Allah is Great :) You can never really get bored of life. There's just so much to see.

"Wahai manusia! Sungguh, Kami telah menciptakan kamu dari seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan, kemudian Kami jadikan kamu berbangsa-bangsa dan bersuku-suku agar kamu saling mengenal. Sungguh yang paling mulia di antara kamu di sisi Allah ialah orang yang paling bertakwa. Sungguh Allah Maha Mengetahui, Mahateliti."

[Al-Hujurat 49:13]

Ever thought of differences as a blessing? Well it is :) When you wake up every morning to the differences around you now that's a blessing and the fact that you wake up to face every different day itself is a blessing too.

Okay so, let’s give it a shot then. One honest post this morning. How about that? huhu... :P

What should I say?

Hmm...first of all...ouch! I got bitten by a mosquito (apekah?) haha...just had to say it coz it's bothering me...huhu :P

Okay let's get serious. What do you think of memories? Something we shouldn't dwell on? That can be true but the trip down memory lane is often exciting. Being home after 4 months I can't help but rummage my old things. I keep doing this lately...haha and guess what I found. A poem my best friend wrote for me.

Hope you would come across this one day

I'd rather have bad times with you,
Then good times with someone else,
I'd rather be beside you in a storm,
Then safe and warm by myself,
I'd rather have hard times together,
Than to have an easy one apart,
I'd rather have someone who holds my heart.

Friends forever

:) And to find that after almost 3 years of it being written and stowed away brought a smile to my face. Well of course some memories make you frown but hey that just adds to the spice of life. Time is a curious thing isn't it? It comes, it leaves, it's there and you can never say for sure what will happen due time. The uncertainty of it could kill but we learn to go through it anyway.

I’ve got to stop trying to impress others before my writing gets dull....haha... :P That shouldn’t become the aim of writing. Writers share their thoughts. The part where we share is what’s important and as long as we get the message across that should be fine. Perhaps we can’t reach out to everybody but maybe just maybe there is one soul out there that we have touched. To be able to help just one person alone is enough :) Believing that keeps me going.

Dear reader, thank you for reading :)

p/s: Be not afraid of yourself for you are who you are meant to be just the way you are. Just like that. :)


  1. wahh..ko simpan poetry aku :D hehehehe
    bangge2. :)

  2. heh. ko yg tetibe gi conteng my book.
    yg 'hope you would come across this someday' tu ko yg tulis.


    wey x jwb, how's MY poetry. atas tu. ngee :D
