Friday, May 1, 2009

"Perkara yang paling menyimpang perempuan adalah apa yang ada dalam kepalanya, sedangkan yang paling seimbang adalah hatinya. Memahami perempuan haruslah dengan kearifan dan kelembutan, bukan dengan logik"
[Imam Hasan Al Banna]

Thanks for sharing this with me Arine.

To you dear reader, what say you on this?


  1. d tikam rase nye..ye2..i'll keep dat in mind..

    p/s: monday kan org pose, so cam mls lak nak bljne dia kat ausmat..hahaha

  2. ok then. dira pun insyaAllah puase gak so next time je la.

    blanje tetap blanje. u brought it onto urself. :D

  3. wonder i think too much...

    "yang paling seimbang ialah hatinya"
    yes, kasih sayang yg paling pure pn is dr seorg prmpn..our mum..

    and no wonder prmpn cept terasa..
    bcz org lain understand dia melalui logik!!

    which brings us again to..
    "yang paling seimbang ialah hatinya"
    bcz dia kena byk bersabar dgn org lain yg undrstand dia tru logik!!!

    its a nvrending cycle..howh....
    which id say completes one another..
    to become a better person in life..

    thanks fr posting this!
    ur hsemate.. =}

  4. to irina_waldorf,
    As if I don't know who you are. hehe :P

    but in spite of that a friend once said to me that we as women must also understand the hearts of men. I find that to be true. It would be unfair for them if their the only ones who have to try and understand us. :)

    btw, still rmmbr my last image out the door? haha...just in case I die :)

  5. i say : "arine has always been insightful."

  6. urm..u mean da serious face ke yg main2 punya?
    just kidding~~

    urm..for someone else to treat u nicely, u have to treat someone else nicely first,

    thus,to expect other ppl to understand oneself, oneself has to understand others first.

    dpt x?? as in sah2 la..y does my words look complicated?! wtvlah..=P

  7. haha...paan knows. he just doesn't show :P

  8. and yes, I do understand what ur saying but I think ur missing the point on what I was trying to say.

    then again, nevermind :)

  9. to aness,
    coz it's true isn't it? hehe :P
