Sunday, October 31, 2010

Keep on going...

I was reading a note posted on IKRAM's facebook page and this particular part captured my attention most. I was in need of a driving force and somehow this fitted it really well that time :) InsyaAllah I hope this may help you too.

Bagi seorang pejuang, walaupun tubuhnya dikelilingi keletihan dan kesakitan, jasadnya dikoyak oleh bebanan dakwah namun iman di hatinya tetap memancarkan cinta dan mengajak kita untuk terus berlari.

Teruslah bergerak, hingga keletihan itu penat mengikuti kita.

Teruslah berlari, hingga kebosanan itu bosan mengejar kita.

Teruslah berjalan, hingga keletihan itu letih bersama kita.

Teruslah bertahan, hingga kefuturan itu lemah menyertai kita.

Tetaplah berjaga, hingga kelesuan itu lesu menemani kita.


^_^ heart feels a lot better after reading that. :)

What a way to look at things. To keep moving on till the fatigue we feel will be tired of following us. To run till boredom get's bored of trying to catch us. Is it possible? Yes it is! Why? Because anything can happen if Allah wills it and insyaAllah He will help those on His path.

Never say you can't do something.
Have more trust in Him. He won't let you down.


  1. salam kak dira!

    masyaAllah, such a nice phrases. may Allah bless us along the journey, insyaAllah.

  2. salam alayk my dear :)

    yup, i think their really nice too. Alhamdulillah for Allah gave the person who wrote it the idea. Took it from IKRAM's page in fb..wait a minute, i already mentioned that. hee :)
