Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Gotta be in control! yeah! :P

You know I wish I could be in control of things. I mean not to say be a dictator or anything but just merely being in control of my actions. Being in control of myself. Lately it seems I've been swaying a lotand I'm really not proud of it. I think some people would notice that. *sigh* :(

Hmm...actions, once done is hard to undo. Sadly I regret many things but I can't change what's happened so what I need to do now is control myself so that it doesn't happen again. By the way, this is NOT and emo post. Just writing my thoughts cay? :)

Everyone experiences a time in their lives when they turn a bit devilish right? haha... Some worse than others but it's basically the same thing. Your 'not so nice' side. :P

Is the worst of me suddenly emerging? I'm sort of feeling it now. It hasn't totally so I've got to supress it! Can't let it overcome me. To those who are close to me, forgive my sudden weirdness. I'm sure I'm difficult to bear with right now (smacks self) but I'm trying hard to let this phase pass by. I'm gonna be alright soon.

Just don't know how long 'soon' is. heh :P Pray it won't take that long alright?

p/s: Don't take this as a cliche question but just help if you can alright? Any suggestions on how to be in control of yourself? Generally really, like how to overcome bad thoughts in your head like laziness, sudden unnecessary thoughts, forgetting what's important and not knowing your priorities. I need help. heh :P


  1. huhu...

    klau nak tahan nafsu ni puasa merupakan satu cara

    kalau x leh...jgn makan sampai kenyang...makan bile lapar berhenti sebelum kenyang...


    How to be in Control of Oneself is by being oneself and by doing so it makes oneself control itself.When itself is controlled by oneself then oneself will be oneself

    make any sense..


  2. =_=....ermm...hisham....

    i can't make sense of it. heh

  3. sebenarnye..den sendiri pun x paham...haha!?

    ntah la...it just came up like that in my mind...mayb ade la kut maksudnye...


    sori klau wat kpla penin!?

  4. uik? haha... ape la hisham ni.

    kene cari budak yg amik literature ar suruh interpret.

    ARINE! tlg. :P haha
    bout ur offer arine, I'm still unsure. we should talk bout it one day.

  5. Hey there, droppin in (finally). I guess I'd tell u to just really depend on His strength to keep you on track. Cuz human nature is just so flawed, we need something more to help us.

    :) Read ur other posts too..and I just wanted to say, that day I told you to be yourself, because to me, who you are is who He has made you to be, and I'm referring to your friendship and kindness and the fact that you shine when u smile.

    And you're right too when you said u need to be who He wants u to be. Human pride usually prevents us from changing our flawed areas..so..good initiative there, pal!
