Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A must read!

Alhamdulillah I have just finished a wonderful book :) -Cinta di rumah Hasan Al Banna-
Here it is! :D

I finished this book in only a few hours. hehe...Well not that surprising coz it's quite thin. Couldn't put it down once I started. You see, this book really portrays the role of a father in a family. In this case would be Hasan Al Banna. Despite dying at a young age he still managed to give a great impact on the society and mind you, his family is the first to have felt his touch. You'd expect people like him to be busy with dakwah and not have time for family. That's where you're wrong. Some way or another, he ALWAYS has time for his family. He MAKES time for them and none of his children ever felt neglected. I'm very touched from the way his children speak of him. Full of respect and love without a tinge of fear. Just the way they were taught. They're not afraid of their father, they LOVE him.

Reading gave me a sense of calmness somehow. I guess that's what you get if you read with your heart :) Many of us forget that fathers too are important in bringing up children aside from our mothers. In fact they are the ones that ensure good upbringing in the family. True that there is a woman behind every great man. That shows the importance of women as well. We all have our roles. What's important is that we realise them and fulfil our duties. Certainly the best example would be Rasulullah S.A.W so follow his ways. That's what Hassan Al Banna did and look at what he's achieved :)

There are many interesting things to learn in that book so I highly recommend reading it :) It opened my eyes and hopefully it'll open yours too.

To my brothers, this is definitely a must read for you guys. Do realise how important you are in a family. Search for ways and means to find out what is best to do. I'm not the best person to say this so just take this as a hope from your sister, open your eyes my brothers and take up your responsibilities seriously. As men, leaders of families, it is with you that our ummah will be able to rise again. Don't be intimidated by women and feel that there is no need for you to step up. Please wake up! Know that your sisters are hoping for you to and that we'll be supporting you.

To my sisters, I'm sure you'd agree with me on this. I'd recommend the book to you so that you realise how loving a father can be. So that you realise that fathers need to be loved and not feared. All they want is the best for us although it might not seem like it sometimes. Look at them with the eyes of your heart and you'll see :) Truth is a father's love is one of the sweetest things :P Get to know them before it's too late.


Well then, I don't think I'm gonna expose much on the contents of the book. Look for it yourself :P hehe... Not that I don't want to share, but sometimes we need to have some effort rite?

May Allah bless us all :)

P/S: Special thanks to Mr. Hisham for lending me the book :D Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! ^_^


  1. ngee :P

    eh jap, 4.50am??? o_O x tido ke ape?

  2. haha..TAK!?

    tgk bola stlh sekian lame x tgk!?


  3. btul gak ek?
    patut ar mase dira buat this post sayup2 kedengaran org duk menjerit.
    cey cam seram lak... :P haha

    bola rupenye. ish3... XD

    (soundtrack gerak khas berkumandang. apekah? :P haha)

  4. Ucapkanlah "alhamdulillah" atas kurniaan nikmat Allah utk mendapat love and support seorang ayah..

    Some ppl xdpt either parents, and some, xdpt both..


  5. Alhamdulillah.

    yup. that's true. Silly of me to have taken for granted. NO...CRUEL of me to have done that. *sigh*

    oh well, so strive to be a good parent to your children in the future :)

  6. pu da bce buku nih..

    to dira: wei nak pinjam buku bercinta smapi syurga ngn rindu bau pohon tin?!haha..msti tak nak kasi en..xpe2..

    to eka: comment..pray n support dari blkng je yg mampu..d rest, kena bergantung kpd kekuatan yg tuhan kasi utk bertahan..

    "oh well, so strive to be a good parent to your children in the future :)


    ha spe2 yg volunteer nk merealisasikan impian dira nih angkat tangan?! kasi nama, email n num fon..bantulah dira utk mencapai cita2 nya menjadi ibu yg berjaya..

    lelaki2 di luar sana, mari2 daftar nama anda sekarang utk menjadi ayah bagi merealisasikan impian dira menjadi good parent in the future..(kate single n available en)..hahahaha

  7. to paan,
    nak pinjam bleh je. claim ar. nape rase dira xnk kasi plak?

    to myself,
    sabar je la ngan ape yg paan tulis tu. hopefully other people understand what u wish to say and not make fun of it.

  8. dialog 2 penjuru

    Cikgu: Dira, ape cita2 awk nnt bila dah besar?!

    Dira: erm, saya nak jadi suri rumah yg berjaya dan punya anak2 yg ramai, yg comel2..

    Cikgu: wah mulia btol cita2 awk..cikgu sokong..teruskan..ha Ali, cita2 awk plak nak jadi besar nanti?!

    Ali: actually, sy nak jadi doktor..tapi bila dgr cita2 dira tadi sy terus tukar pikiran..bila besar nanti sy bercita-cita untuk membantu dira mencapai cita2 nya..

    Cikgu: apekah?!

    hahaha..mari2 jejaka di luar sana..beratur segera..num fon bley di dapati di papan2 tanda sekitar intec..di kolej2 juga kelihatan kelibat num fon dia..hahaha..

    p/s: berjaga-jaga ketika hendak mengambil num fon dan "borang pendaftaran" kerana nyawa anda mungkin akan melayang dek kerana di langgar oleh motorsikal ber-velocity tinggi..

    apekah?! hahaha

    ~best tol dapat gelak2 camni..release tensi study~

  9. to paan,
    ur laughing but just so you know, it's not funny.

  10. i always laugh when i make other ppl mad..yes..dah lme tak berada dlm mode XYY..

  11. lagi satu..ade sebab knape org "revenge" sedemikian rupa..n org lom puas ati lg..tgk ah cne, kalo rase dah puas, baru org d mean time, this little devil mind will go on dynamic until i feel that "the chemical reaction must not be in dynamic equilibrium but to go upon completion"...
