Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The sweetness of forgiveness

Have you ever thought of that? It just occured to me to write this. Everybody seems to be talking about wrong doings done by others so why not look at the word 'forgive'. Being the victim of wrong judgement, of people's cruelty, of cruel words, of unwanted situations, and of anger itself causes us grief. That moment can be simply said as a time when you feel hurt. When your heart cuts deep.

Terasa hati ni memang susah nak ubat tapi tak mustahil. Kita tengok kembali kisah yang berlaku kepada Rasulullah sendiri. Ingat apa yang berlaku kepada Hamzah, bapa saudara Rasulullah yang amat disayanginya? Kisah kematiannya sewaktu perang Uhud amat memilukan dan apa yang berlaku itu semata-mata kerana dendam. Hindun, isteri kepada Abu Sufian begitu benci kepada Hamzah kerana telah membunuh bapanya. Dalam perang Uhud, dia menyuruh Washi, seorang hamba untuk membunuh Hamzah dengan ganjaran Washi akan dimerdekakan sekiranya berjaya. Hamzah gugur syahid terkena tombak yang dilontar Washi. Kisah itu tidak terhenti di situ. Hindun, masih tidak berpuas hati walaupun Hamzah sudah tidak bernyawa lagi. Dia telah mengoyak keluar jantung Hamzah dan dimamahnya namun dengan kuasa Allah S.W.T Hindun tidak dapat menelan jantung tersebut.

Rasulullah amat sedih kerana Hamzah yang amat dikasihinya diperlakukan sebegitu. Selepas beberapa lama, Abu Sufian mendapat hidayah dan memeluk agama Islam. Begitu juga isterinya, Hindun. Hindun meminta maaf kepada Rasulullah. Rasulullah memaafkannya akan tetapi baginda tidak sanggup melihat kearah Hindun kerana sedih, mengenangkan apa yang telah terjadi dulu sewaktu perang Uhud. Hal yang penting di sini ialah baginda memaafkan kesalahan tersebut.

So when they say forgive and forget, it's a bit difficult to 'forget' isn't it? As I said, when your heart is what's being hurt, it's most difficult to mend. Even if it mends, the scar will forever stay. Let's think it this way now. What if you where the one asking for forgiveness? Asking for forgiveness is something important if you ask me coz of the hope of being forgiven. Imagine getting turned down.

"I'll never forgive you!"
"You don't deserve my forgiveness."
"I just can't forgive you for what you've done."

Imagine getting those words replied to you after expressing a sincere apology. Not something you'd want right? Trust me those who've done wrong to you wish they don't have to hear these from you too. It takes courage to ask for forgiveness. Think it's easy? Not to everyone and to get turned down would in turn hurt them deep.

A reminder for me and you,

"...dan hendaklah mereka memaafkan dan berlapang dada. Apakah kamu tidak suka Allah mengampunimu? Dan Allah Maha Pengampun, Maha Penyayang."

[An-Nur 24:22]

Remember that we hope for forgiveness from Allah and so for that why won't we forgive others? Think about it my dear brothers and sisters, for forgiveness is sweet~

To those whom I've wronged, would you forgive me?

By the way, I took this picture this morning. Intec bus window. What do you think? XD

I like it :P


  1. I...forgive you for the bad photography? XP
    It's cool! Very abstract. I see u like the effects of sunlight... x aci, ada N73! ;-)

  2. nice photo
    yeah forgive & forget
    eventho forget tu agk ssah atceli.

  3. great post!?

    nice pic!?


    kepada semua yg mengenali-maafkan diriku ini jika ada cacat celanya....

  4. To Razeen,

    haha, yup. effects of light actually. any type but the sun always gives good pictures, even if I just use my camera phone :P

    To Amie,

    Nice ey? :P but I'd leave you to edit the pic to make it great. u've really gotta teach me. hey, how's interview?

    To Hisham,

    Thanks :) ilham from your post actually so some credit to u there :P haha... kalau gambar tu amik gune camera hisham sure lg la camera dier kn best...hehe...

  5. mende line itam2 2? ehek~

  6. It's the rain. u see when it hits the bus window it gives a certain pattern right? that's how it looks against the sun :)
